Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For Angela

When the movie was over I thought that it was just fiction, because just think of the way the little girl; Angela and her mother felt while they were being made fun of about there nation. They were just people waiting for the bus and then these teenagers just had to come and ruin their day, by saying all those horrible things to them. So that night they said all those things towards Angela that made her not want to be an Indian anymore. She didnt want to be who she acually is so she cut off her braids. Her mother didnt know what to think when she saw the braids on the floor in the bathroom. But then the next day she went to the school and she dealt with it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The History of Eston Saskatchewan


" Google Image Result for https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijOG4YBNd_4c2XXL8G2B8mH25NeLlBbk1A9RQT3hBmgvcWUCm5w5VBUC5SMKizUgJh0DxTz5RvGN0gJ05o6KOc48DG9Spu-Q8oN2NRfjjw3PHkqYseb5zVX76Ck1WrkpLq-bXaBNIXeGUE/s400/eston.jpg." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijOG4YBNd_4c2XXL8G2B8mH25NeLlBbk1A9RQT3hBmgvcWUCm5w5VBUC5SMKizUgJh0DxTz5RvGN0gJ05o6KOc48DG9Spu-Q8oN2NRfjjw3PHkqYseb5zVX76Ck1WrkpLq-bXaBNIXeGUE/s400/eston.jpg&imgrefurl=http://lifeslessons-lisa.blogspot.com/2010/08/eston-saskatchewan_30.html&usg=__

By : Skye

         In Canada there is a lot of towns, the towns are very similar to others. Some towns have the same kind of buildings and convenience stores in them.  Also there are towns that are much larger than others. Some towns may have like 50-100 people, some have about 500 people in them which makes it larger then others. But Eston is a town with about 1000 people and it's a great town to live in. Eston may not be a place that people would want to live in because it may not have the things that people need. Some people would rather live in big city's but I would choose to live in Eston.

         Eston, Saskatchewan, was established in 1914, when Mr. J. Littlejohn opened a general store in a "shack". Back then Eston started out as a village and now it has grown to a be great and caring community. It has grown from a small village to now which is a town. There is a lot of people for such a small town, this town has about 1000 people now. Mr. Harris named the town Eston, because he thought it was an attractive name.
           Eston is known for its Rodeo, the Eston Rambler Hockey team, and the gopher races. The rodeo makes the town very busy, there is always something to do when it comes to the rodeo. When the rodeo comes to Eston there is always a clown that comes to the library and the school and talk to the children about the rodeo and how fun it is to be at the rodeo. He also comes and he tells the kids some poetry about the rodeo.  Then there's the gopher races, they would go out and catch a bunch of gophers and race them. People would go and bet money on gopher and see which one would win. The gopher races would always draw a lot of people to the sports day.

        Eston has a lot of attractions for a small town, some attractions are
                    Attractions Now                                    Attractions when Eston first started out
-Swimming pool                - School                            -Puffed wheat factory    -Men's wear
-Community Centre          -Senior Home                   - Drive-in                        - Butcher Shop
- Restaurants                   -Hotel                                - Theater                        -General Store
-Pharmacy                        -Museum                          -Store and Post office     - Standard Bank
-Grocery Store                  -Bible College                   -Cafe                               -Eston Review
-Church's                          -Hospital                            -Barber Shop                 -Land and Insurance
-School                            -Gas Stations 
These are some of the attractions that are placed in Eston. The puffed wheat factory was established in 1939. The railroad was brought into Eston in 1914, by CNR, McKenzie Mann. The Hospital here in Eston was built in September 1916, but then on December 2/1952 approximately 11:30 the Hospital was started up in flames. So then while they were building the new Hospital they moved into the Legion. Then the new Hospital was built in 1955 and ran till 1992, and now we just have a health centre. Back then the Land and Insurance came out in 1915, G. Guthrie & A.A. Parker opened this attraction.

        I think that Eston has effected Canadian heritage by adding another great community in Canada. Eston is a great community to be living in...I think anyway. But Every year there is more people that come and live here, which make it a bigger and better town. Before Eston which what it is now a town, it was a small village. Eston got more and more people moving into the village and so many people came to Eston that it turned out to be a town. 

I think that in the future Eston will turn out to be a bigger town and have lots more people in the town. So far Eston is growing, by having better things and buying new things for the town. The town is building new houses for people to come and live here. So if the town keeps on building on and more and more people come to live here, I think that Eston will be a bigger town in the future.

              Eston  started out as a village and then the village got more and more people which made it a bigger community. Eston has worked on making the town bigger and bigger each year, and I think that if they keep working on making the town bigger it will eventually become a small city. In the years of Eston becoming a town it has made a big difference from when Mr. J. Lilttlejon opened the general store in a shack to this day now when Eston has about 1000 people and all these other attractions. Eston has all the attractions that you need to live, and thats also what makes Eston a good place to live in. I think that if you live in Eston you will love it..but would you move from where you are now to a place that you may have never heard of?


- Orgins of Eston.. Pg. 1
                             Pg. 10&11
-Born in the Eston Legion Hall.. First page

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ponyboy and Greg

Similarities That Ponyboy and Greg Share
Ponyboy and Greg are 2 very different people.  Ponyboy comes from a place where poverty and crime are common. Greg comes from an ideal family with 2 parents that love him dearly.   Even though there 2 different people, they do share some similarities.
 A similarity that Greg and Ponyboy share is that they try to fit in with everybody. Greg tries to fit in with the kid’s at middle school that he just started. His friend in middle school was Rowley, they were pretty good friends. But then Greg started lying to Rowley and then Greg had no friends because everyone at middle school went on Rowley’s side. Ponyboy was trying to fit in with his gang that his brothers Soda and Darry were in. Everyone in the gang thought that he was just a tag along.
 Another similarity that Ponyboy and Greg share is that they both are bullied by family members. Ponyboy is bullied by his older brother Darry, Darry Is always yelling at Ponyboy. Ponyboy doesn’t really like Darry because he is always yelling at him. But Ponyboy really likes Sodapop because he is always caring about Ponyboy. Ponyboy also get bullied by the Socs, which is another gang (the richer gang). Greg is also bullied by a family member; he is bullied by his older brother too. His Older brother is always teasing him and telling him to do things that he shouldn’t do. Greg also gets bullied by this girl named Patty at his school. She bullies him because he doesn’t tell the whole truth.
 Another similarity that Ponyboy and Greg share is that they both don’t use their heads. Ponyboy doesn’t use his head because he walked home from the movies alone, and since he didn’t get someone to walk with him or at least give him a ride, he got jumped by the Socs.  Greg doesn’t use his head because when Rowley and Greg were on the duty of taking the kids from his school home, and one day when it was raining Greg had to take them home by himself and he left the kids in a hole. He had to take the kids home alone because Rowley broke his arm and he couldn’t get his cast wet.
Even though Greg and Ponyboy are 2 very different people, they do share some similarities; I think that Greg is a little bit spoiled, and Ponyboy has a little more concerns.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Victim Impact Statement

You’re Honor,

           My daughter, Dawn-Marie was 14 years old when I saw her last alive. In was November 10/2000 when she committed suicide because she was being bullied by a group of girls at her school. She loved being with her friends, she liked going shopping with them and a bunch of other fun things. I loved her with all my heart, I never thought this would happen; I never wanted this to happen.

            Since November 10th of 2000 I have not seen my wonderful daughter. She was only 14; she lived such a short life. She didn’t live long enough so that I could do fun things that mothers like us would love to do, like I really wanted to see her graduate from grade 12 but now I can’t even see her do that. If Dawn-Marie would have told me what was going on, I would have done whatever I possibly could do to help her so that she knew that when she went to school she wouldn’t think that she would get bullied even more, and then she could still living and be in her own family at home where she was safe, and that she knew that it was a safe place to be. Before we moved here we lived in the other place, and she had lots of friends, she had sleepovers quite a bit and she knew who her friends were and she had nice friends. Here she had lots of friends to, in fact one of her best friends is here right now they had lots to do, they never got bored but then, she started saying things and bullying her. Her best friend and her other friends bullied her so much that my daughter has committed suicide.
 I think that this group of girls deserve a lot of punishments. They bullied a beautiful young girl so much that she killed herself, and I don’t think that she deserved that she had an amazing life. She was a part of my life, and now she is not, I will never see her again. My daughter and I had a good relationship, she would come home and we talk about how her day went, and she never once said that these girls were bullying her.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Writer- Ian Bailey

The name of this article is Dead girl's mother hugs bullying B.C teenager
This Story is about a 17 year old teenager's bullying to the victim of a 14 year old, and that 14 year old has pulled suicide. Now that 17 year old bully has been placed in at an aboriginal sentencing circle. The sentencing circle is 75 kilometers east of Vancouver. At circle there was about 20 people who showed up.  
The 17 year old teenager has been punished with sanctions against the 17 year old teenager, 18 months of probation, she is ban from using her cellphone for 6 months. She got her cellphone taken away for the long because there was threats being made using her cellphone.
Dawn Marie had used a dog leach to hang herself. She left a suicide note that said that if she would of done anything to get help, it would have made it worst. She also said that those girls are the strongest people in the school and that they are always looking for someone to beat up. Another girl that was bullying Dawn Marie was a 16 year old teenager, she was always saying threats to people including Dawn Marie, and one other girl was also helping with the bullying of  Dawn Marie. Some people has sugjested one of the girls should be Mrs. Wesley's new daughter to replace Dawn-Marie. So Judge Rounthwaite and the crown has proven that the 17 year old and her friend have threated Dawn- Marie in her last days of her life.